This approach changes my point of view on the learning process. For quite some time, I was stuck with the idea that learning and teaching takes place only in the four corners of my classroom. To be honest, it was only from Prof. Robles ( Educ 213 instructor) that I heard about electronic portfolio. I had no idea about its existence.
Based on my reading, E- portfolio is not just a technology but rather a manifestation of individual’s learning. I agree with them. There are range of technologies that can support the key process associated with e- portfolio, such as collecting evidence of learning, organizing and reflecting on it, receiving feedback and planning for future learning and personal development. E- Portfolio brings the learning process to a higher level. This opens the door for a better communication between learners and instructors.
Now, I’m starting to appreciate technology more than ever. Let’s join hand and hand as we explore the blogger’s world!
I. Objectives:
1. To facilitate the ongoing learning in our EDUC 213(Advanced Educational Statistics)
2. T o upgrade teaching methods and strategies
3. To enhance skills in responsible public writing using modern technology of communication.
4. To impart knowledge to others.
II. Scope of blog
Reflections to EDUC 213 Modules
A. Introduction to Statistics
B. Variables: The subject matter for statistics & research
C. Measure of central location
D. Measures of variation
E. Simple correlation
F. Simple regression
G. Normal probability distribution
H. Statistical estimation & sampling theory
I. T-test, Z-test & Chi-square test
J. Analysis & Variance( ANOVA)
K. Linear & multiple regression analysis
L. Computer statistical application using MS Excel
Statistics as a Platform in Education for Sustainable Develoment
“Statistics is the most important science in the world. For upon it depends the practical application of every other science and of every art: the one science essential to all political and social administration, all education, and all organization based on experience, for it only gives results of our experience”. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE
Statistics plays a vital role in all aspects of human life. It improves our way of living. Statistical tools are used to gather information or data for better usage in conducting studies for medicine, entrepreneur, and technology or even in our daily decision-making.
Statistics is an essential tool in education. It is useful in collecting data on enrollment finance, personnel and faculty status, physical facilities and so on which are needed for intelligent administration and management. It set as a platform in Education for sustainable development. It becomes the basis of every administrative decision that aims for improvement and sustain the needs of its people.
For the past many years, the Philippines have suffered a heavy blow due to crisis in education. Its quality has been relegated to the rank of being among the poorest as reflected in the results of the International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) the Philippines ranked 34th out of 38 countries in HS II Math and 43rd out of 46 countries in HS II Science.
Filipino students also score consistently low in the National Achievement Tests (NAT). In SY 2009-2010 for instance, the NAT MPS for grade six is only 69.21% and high school is only 46.38% which are both far below the mastery level of 75%. This are just evidence that many students who finish basic education do not possess sufficient mastery of basic competencies and have no adequate knowledge in the core subject.
Through this statistical evidence, the Department of Education is taking its bold steps to enhance the basic curriculum. It intends to raise the quality of basic education by enhancing the curriculum and expansion of the basic education to 12 years.
The “K+12” or kindergarten plus 12 years of basic education program which is at the top of Pres.Benigno Aquino III’s 10-point educational agenda aims to raise the quality of basic education cycle. It follows a K-6-4-2 model which is kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school and two years of senior high school.
This proposed program is essentially a viable solution to address the recurrent problem on the quality of education in the country. We are hopeful that our government can sustain this program and this will not be another experimentation and waste of resources in the department of education.
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